Shelia Waterhouse

Shelia Waterhouse

Shelia Waterhouse RYT200, Kids yoga certified instructor

I had been a stay at home parent for just over a decade. Now that my kids are older I found myself wanting (and ready!) to get myself back out into the world; to be Shelia somewhere, again. Yoga seemed like a natural direction for me to go, as its always been a part of my life. Whether it be at home or in a studio, I’ve practiced yoga my entire adult life. However, Its always been a workout; stretch and strength that I added to my wellness routines. More recently I found that it became a place for my mental peace as well. As life does, big and small changes come and throw us curve balls. My yoga practice and training has helped me know how to look inward to navigate this crazy world and get through life challenges with confidence and trust in myself.

I knew when I signed up for my 200 YTT, it was exactly where I was supposed to be. I have found a place I belong, at Hot Asana! I’ve now completed my 200 YTT as well as become a certified Kids Yoga Teacher. I’ve found I will be a forever student of the many paths Yoga provides. My intention is to hold space for you! In my class we listen to our bodies, move without judgement and leave the rest behind. To shed the layers as you step through the door for YOU. The peace of mind I get during those classes is something we all deserve to experience and my hope is to provide a space for you to find yours.