Rachel Finch
Rachel Finch
RYT 200
I completed my first yoga training in 2020 through Hot Asana Yoga University.
I love challenging my body and come from a big sports and athletic background. I have experience teaching strength training at previous gyms. Prior to my own practice, I had heard about the many benefits of yoga and once I gave it a try I immediately started to notice the benefits in my own body and how well it complimented my other types of training. I was very excited about the physical benefits of yoga. I fell in love with Vinyasa style and Tone and Flow and learned I could push my body during my practice as well as reap the many benefits this practice has to offer. Beyond the physical benefits, I have learned that yoga teaches us so much more about ourselves, how to serve our bodies, and how to support our mental and emotional health. The amount of benefit that comes from this practice continues to astound me.
I hope to provide a space that feels challenging, empowering, healing, and allows for attunement within ourselves.