Michelle Destruge

“Yoga is a way of moving into stillness in order to experience the truth of who you are.” - E.Schiffman

I came to yoga as a skeptic, but I was pretty desperate. Working up to 80 hours a week in a job I didn’t love, I succumb to anxiety and sleepless nights. It’s part of being an adult, no? I didn’t love yoga at first, but I couldn’t stop going back--maybe because it helped me sleep at night? Maybe because I was determined to touch my toes?

Eventually, I found vinyasa and everything just “clicked.” I became fascinated by how asana and breathwork can calm the mind even while moving through some of the most challenging postures. More than that, I noticed a change in how I moved through the world when I stepped off my mat. 7 years later, I completed my first 200-hour yoga teacher training at an Iyengar-style studio in CA. Ever the perpetual student, I fell in love with the “sweat and soul” offered by Hot Asana and completed my second 200-hour teacher training at Hot Asana University under Virginia Gallagher and Angela Tsu in January 2016. I’ve also been blessed with the opportunity to attend workshops with Jason Crandell and Rolf Gates. Yoga is woven into the fabric of my life now, there’s no going back. I hope to share my passion and knowledge with my students. I teach a fun, challenging flow, with a focus on breathwork and alignment.