Michelle Benton
500 RYT
I found my first yoga class one morning in the year 2000 after I woke up early, and like usual started a pot of coffee and switched on the TV. A yoga program was in progress, it looked fun, so while the coffee brewed, I gave it a try. Inhale Yoga became part of my weekly workout routine.
After experiencing positive changes in my body ‘working out’ with Steve Ross, I went to a real live yoga class with a friend. After practicing in a studio with a teacher and other students, I came to realize yoga is much more than a workout, instead it’s about discovering and bettering yourself and your mind.
Some 15 years later when my children headed off to college, I enrolled in yoga teacher training at Hot Asana University with Virginia and Lisa and have taught ever since. I am currently in pursuit of 500-hour teacher training at HAYU. It is my intention to lead a dynamic class and encourage students to find their edge through breath and focus.