Gillian Dunlap
Gillian is from the Midwest and moved to Colorado in 2018, taking her first yoga class in the beginning of 2020. After two years of practicing and the encouragement of so many amazing people in the yoga community, she decided to take a 200 hour teacher training through Hot Asana. Yoga began to open her eyes in ways she never imagined. Not only did it start to make her feel comfortable in her body, physically, it created a safe space mentally and emotionally. She wants her students to know that yoga is for EVERYBODY. It is not about being active, flexible, and able bodied. It is about showing up for yourself and allowing new opportunities to arise. When Gillian isn’t practicing or teaching at the studio she is either playing with her dogs, gardening, skiing, climbing, camping, or hiking. Gillian believes none of her hobbies that she has today would be possible without her yoga practice. Yoga gave her the confidence to try it new activities and embrace whatever outcome is possible. She encourages new and experienced students to embrace the uncertainties and unexpected opportunities that lie ahead of not just their yoga journey but the journey life gives them everyday.