Caroline Gallagher
RYT-200, ACE CPT (Certified Personal Trainer), Mat Pilates, Certified Hot Asana Assist. I'm also currently pursuing 500 hrs through HAYU, another CPT with NASM, and GFI (Group Fitness Instructor) with AFAA.
My fitness journey began in high school when I saw a doctor for back pain caused by poor posture as a result of lack of muscle strength around my spine, who prescribed yoga and pilates to strengthen my core. I started with Pilates and loved it enough to become a Certified Mat Pilates instructor. Soon after I began a hot yoga practice, and in college became a Certified Yoga Instructor. After college, I moved to Nashville where I discovered Barry's (formerly Barry's Bootcamp) which really ignited my passion for fitness. I had struggled with my weight through high school and college, and Barry's was the first workout from which I really saw physical results, and where I felt more than part of a community, but part of a family. For a few years I also battled mental health challeges, and fitness not only gave me confidence in my physical body again, but healed me mentally and emotionally. After working with a few Barry's instructors as personal trainers, I was inspired to become a personal trainer, and am now working toward becoming a group fitness instructor as well. If I can inspire in just one other person the same life-changing passion for fitness that others have inspired in me, then I will consider that a success!