
Sam Moynan

RYT 200

My yoga journey started at a pivotal time in my life where I had just entered the idea that we can change our own lives with our thoughts and beliefs - as I read You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay. A lot of people see yoga as asana only - the postures and movement. But, for me, it formed in the idea that I had to start taking responsibility of my own life and no longer be a victim of the circumstances around me. During this time of diving into books that opened my eyes to a new world, I started practicing asana with at home videos teaching me about poses and the teacher (Tara Stiles) would always say things like "no stress, find ease, move in a way that feels good in your body, don't overthink it." And I thought, what?? How? This is hard. I feel no ease here. This wasn't only stretching - this was moving my body in a way it hadn't moved since I was a young girl, before the world told me how to be. But I kept going. And before long, I felt the ease. I felt the stress fall away. I tuned in.

Fast forward four years, I finally shoved through my impostor syndrome and fears enough to sign up for yoga teacher training with Hot Asana University. I experienced a great loss and decided enough was enough of my nonsense of waiting for the right time to be a yoga teacher or chase any of my dreams, for that matter. If you're waiting for the right time for anything.. the right time is now. Here is your sign.

My other loves include wild foraging (and any wild-based observations, studies, experiences), getting in tune with nature, caring for my plants, and sustainable, permaculture minded farming.

You are always safe to be who you are in my class. Be ready to flow with a focus of tuning in to your body, your needs, and your intuition.