Marcella Webster

Marcella Webster

ERYT 500

I am a ERYT- 500 hour trained yoga teacher through Rolf Gates Yoga (2009-2012) with a passion for helping people live their best lives. The tools of mindful breathing, movement and meditation created a solid foundation of self-care for me and I felt called to share. I have a 17 yr old daughter with special needs and 14 year old twin boys who keep me very happy and busy. While showing up for my family has brought me joy, it is being of service to my community that helps me follow my own unique path. After becoming a certified Health and Life Coach in 2017, and completing a Mastery of Transformational Coaching certification in 2018, I expanded the principles of yoga off the mat. Dedicated to helping people heal body- image issues and transform behaviors to attract what we really want in our relationships, my work as a transformational health coach and yoga teacher allow me to spread the message that transformation of the mind, body and spirit is possible and more than that, it’s our birthright.