Macarena Gallardo

RYT 200

Macarena tried Yoga many years ago when she realized that keeping busy working 3 jobs and going to school full time was just taking a toll on her mind and body. Living in such a “go go go” society making it hard to slow down she developed anxiety and a lot of stress. The thought of taking prescription medicine was just not what was in mind for her when it came to overcoming this situation and that is when she knew that Yoga was her answer. She figured out that slowing down wasn’t a bad thing and it didn’t mean she was lazy it just meant that she was going to take care of herself and the only body & mind that she has in this life, taking care of “her temple” was more important to her than the always changing society “norms”. Graduating from college with a psychology degree and dance being a huge part of her life taking care of the mind and the connection of moving with the breath brought back a familiar feeling that gave her a little peace of mind, when she stepped on a mat for the first time was for meditation and as time went by her practiced progressed to asana or the physical aspect of Yoga. Starting off with Ashtanga Yoga in order to keep some structure in her life and discipline for herself, it all started to come together and make sense. Some of the things that inspire her to continue this beautiful journey are: health, helping others and spreading the word that Yoga is for EVERYONE!!