Lexis Musick

Lexis Musick

RYT 200

I was first introduced to yoga in 2013 and instantly fell in love. I had never been more sore in my entire life and I craved the environment. Eventually, I found myself living and practicing asana in the beautiful country Jordan and there I learned a more spiritual side. When returning to the states I put my practice on the back burner as I tried to figure out my life. After years of searching for my dharma I found it while going through yoga teacher training. It was there that the puzzle pieces of a physical and spiritual practice clicked. I learned that yoga isn’t just about stepping onto your mat to get a good sweat in, though that can be what brings us there, it’s just as much about the self discovery when you allow yourself to simply be present.

"To have peace in the world, we need to be peaceful within." Deepak Chopra